The Dale Halaway Learning Center has a variety of courses on topics from money, relationships, entrepreneurship, achievement, karma, change, letting go, and more…

This course explores what purpose is and how we can begin to discover our purpose in our day-to-day lives, which will lead to our Deeper Purpose. We will look at how we treat ourselves and explore Living Authentically and Living Inauthentically. As we go deeper into this course, we will begin to discover our Limited Self vs our Unlimited Self. The second part of this course breaks down the 7 Energy Centers which are the epicenter of our being- much like our master computer. We will then explore our higher and lower truths as we begin to realign our lives with the right trajectory for authentic living on a higher destiny path.
Breaking through our fabricated exterior to rediscover our true self is a process, but a necessary one, if we want to further our soul’s evolution (Which is the real reason we are here). Tap into your greatest strengths that have been hidden from you as you move into your true authentic power – a power that releases as you return to wholeness. You will gain a sense of clarity and strength that will propel you toward greater success and happiness.
There are 4 levels of dependence that one must rise up through. Most people get stuck in the lowest level, which is Co-dependence. In-dependence is the second most common but has it’s challenges to pass through in order to get to the 2nd and 3rd higher levels. This course is the road map and how-to guide for rising up to your greatest human potential and achieving ultimate freedom as a spiritual being.
To achieve a happy, healthy and harmonious life, we must understand how our outer world is a reflection of our inner world… Disease can show up in our lives and body when emotions and energy get suppressed. By unifying the heart and mind – and by learning how to clear these suppressed pockets of harmful material, we begin to see the outer reflection of the inner work we have learned how to do with this course.
In this course we will examine the various areas in which the child within each of us has great influence and often great power in our lives. Our inner child is the Game Changer in each one of our relationships – and this course will help you understand and connect more deeply with your inner child, leading to more fulfilling relationships in all aspects of your life and career.

To transcend our lives, we must gain an understanding of the pockets of energy within us, both negative and positive. We must also become aware of our inner child and inner parent, and the relationship between them. By acquiring the tools this course provides, we are able to strengthen and support their relationship and foster the growth into adulthood that our inner child needs. This will reveal dormant gifts and knowledge locked away inside us, that when released can impact and change our lives in profound, enriching ways. This course also reveals the path to transcendence and the rising of the phoenix from within us when we continue doing this work after the course ends.
Learning how to strengthen the relationships you have and to discern if a current or potential relationship is truly right for you, is the theme of this introductory course to the Relationship n’ You series. Here students will examine the energetics and patterns they have that influence each of their relationships. With this insight they can begin to course correct, avoiding the pain and lost time of expended energy in the wrong relationships.
Each choice we make has a profoundly different outcome, which we can contemplate before choosing it – as long as we are consciously aware of that option. That includes the smallest of choices, no matter how unimportant they may seem. In this course you will come to truly understand the significance and long-term affect in the power of Choice. Now your life can take a significant turn for the better by having this powerful information at your fingertips.
Change is inevitable – resistance is futile – yet most resist change like it’s a plague. This course is a 3-part series that accompanies Dale’s #1 best-selling book, Being Called to Change. It takes a deeper dive than many chapters in the book. Here you will gain a deeper understanding of what change is, how to prepare for, accept and flow with it. We will also deeply explore multiple practices that when implemented, will up-level your life.
The function and balance of our internal energy centers, also known as our chakras, is key to the balance we need in daily life. This course helps you discover your inner keys that create happiness through personal empowerment. You’ll gain an understanding of how to align and open your energy centers and what that leads to. By doing this work, you’ll discover the answers to self-actualization that so many are searching for.
Transforming while discovering something significant about yourself is the basis of TransCovery®. This course will introduce you to Dale’s patented healing modality that has produced amazing results for his students. You’ll learn the various ways that you can apply this technique in your life, creating calming and centering results within minutes. You will also be introduced to the Needy Self and how needy energy is blocking you from having what you really want.
This introductory course helps you embark on finding your way back to your authentic self. By committing fully to the transformational path, the results lead to lasting, positive change. The journey begins with gaining an understanding of how we got separated from our true selves. Here we will identify several strategies to get in touch with buried feelings and make conscious choices that will create inner peace, leading back to our authentic power.
This is a popular audio interview with Dale that has become a favorite mini-course. Here Dale will answer questions that many people often ask. You will learn how to recognize parts of yourself that you are disconnected with. Not only will you be given information on how to reconnect with them, but you will also learn other life-changing information on how and where you have been inhibiting your own happiness and success.
This one-of-a-kind course contains 10 of the most valuable core teachings from Dale Halaway, taken from six of his most popular seminars. Whether you are new to Dale’s life-changing teachings or are a returning student, this collection is a must-have for anyone on a transformational path. What better way to access his other student’s favorite teachings – the ones that have impacted them most, than with this powerful compilation?
Money Mastery Video Course
Money is an energy and until we see it as such and develop a positive relationship with it, we will limit the abundance of it in our lives. This course deeply explores our habits, subconscious beliefs and the results that show us what’s restricting our money flow despite what we may consciously think. We will explore what happens when we worry about money, when we don’t value money and the concept of earning, keeping and growing it. You will also learn how our own emotions and energy work in connection to our money flow.
Money is an energy and until we see it as such and develop a positive relationship with it, we will limit the abundance of it in our lives. This course deeply explores our habits, subconscious beliefs and the results that show us what’s restricting our money flow despite what we may consciously think. We will explore what happens when we worry about money, when we don’t value money and the concept of earning, keeping and growing it. You will also learn how our own emotions and energy work in connection to our money flow.
“These teachings will and have impacted my life by allowing me to have at my disposal anytime, anywhere on a system that can move me forward in my healing process when and where I need it most. You have got to try this, it will change your life. It provides a skillset to enable you to gently and lovingly heal you.”
~ Prisco P., Entrepreneur