Dale Halaway – Founder & CEO, Dale Halaway International

Dale Halaway is one of the world’s leading authorities on personal and business transformation, entrepreneurial success, strategic thinking and soul-empowered leadership.

Empowerment is the key to happiness. Becoming empowered doesn’t happen automatically, but there are steps you can take to achieve your own personal empowerment. These steps are explained to you throughout this course, and once they are fully understood, you will be able to align and fully open your energy centers.

Do you know which of your energy centers need your attention?
This course will help you identify the areas you need to work on that are holding you back and keeping you stuck.

Once these areas are brought to your awareness, you can progress toward the profound gift you will receive in uniting these energy centers together through your chakras, and move on toward the greatest version of you.

Are you tired of looping in circles and going through the motions?
This course will help you find the answers to self- actualization that you have been searching for.

Darlene K.

“Taking this course was a delightful surprise in learning that  my ego, inner child and shadow-self reside in the lower three energy centers. I’ve never paid much attention to my energy centers, so it was profound to learn that by healing these aspects of myself, my lower chakras will start to open, become fluid and eventually connect with my upper chakras through the heart. Step by step I can become more energetic and productive. At this point for all of us, we can become personally empowered and embody our true soul self. This was a very important “aha” moment for me to learn and understand this key component of my journey.”


ONLY $127!

What You’ll Learn Inside This 2 Hour Audio Program…

How you increase

your level of personal empowerment

3 questions that will

change the way you look at your life

The sacred bridge

that is the gateway to becoming your greatest self!

The 7 internal energy centers

that empower you to get clear on what it is you really want, bring an end your repeating struggles and actualize the life you know in your heart that you deserve!


a powerful exercise for manifesting this year’s goals!

ONLY $127!