• If your fear is up for you to clear..
  • If your looking for a higher perspective that can empower you to better navigate through the times ahead…
  • If your looking for a deeper purpose as to “WHY” what’s happening right now…


Saturday, April 25th, 2020
9:30-1:15pm (PST)
Broadcasting live from Las Vegas On-line

With Best Seling Author & Master Teacher
Dale Halaway

As many know, there are number of both shadow and light Archetypal energies withing our collective consciousness that infuence our humanity. The two that I’ll be teaching about in this Monthly Tele-Cast are the Victim and the Victor, from the perspective of transforming the Victim into the Victor. This is so critical to learn about and how to do, as we’re facing these extra challenging times. You see, it’s not only the Archetype we need to be aware of, it’s also the Victim and the Victor that actually resides within us.


Dale Halaway is a Master Transformational Teacher and Best-Selling Author. He has devoted his life’s work to serving others and to helping them grow into their full potential. In his early years, Dale was quite the entrepreneur, setting records in sales that are still unmatching to this day. He went on to specialize in business coaching and strategic planning for entrepreneurs, small businesses and large coorporation such as FedEx and AT&T just to name a few. Dale then went into the private sector, conducting intensive private coaching sessions for individuals, influencers and high-profile clients. He brought his four decades of vast knowledge forward and has now opened his practice to the public sector.

His expertise as a relationship expert, crisis counselor, and strategic advisor have made him one of the top advisors regarding what is playing out in the world’s stage at this time. Dale’s calm demeanor and expertise as a crisis counselor and master life coach make him one of the emerging leaders in calming the fears that are mounting on this world right now.

Many are amazed by Dale’s ability to shift the energy of those in his field and to get them re centered and re-aligned. He has mastered many techniques for this ability and has crafted them into a university of knowledge that is available to anyone and everyone.


  • How to weaken your inner Reactor and strenghten your inner Responder (this section alone can help anyone to better navigate through any challenge)
  • The Higher and Lower perspectives in which everything is coming from
  • How is fear is being fueled throughout the world and what you can do about it
  • What’s this new time we’ve now entered into really all about
  • The two Universal Laws that we’re all being called to align with (and if we do we’ll get an extra grace)


“Dale’s tele-class offers immense wisdom on how to overcome fears and reveal our true power and courage, and it’s packed into digestible 4 hour format. His teachings are deeply profound and offer practical guidance on how to unmask the tricks of the ego and live authentically. A huge benefit in the replay is available so that the wisdom penetrates deeper each time we listen. Consistency is the key to spiritual unfoldment and moving forward in life”

~ Ellen M. Laura, Spiritual Coach

“When Dale and I met, there was instant soul recognition. While our relationship began with publishing his book, it has since evoled to me becoming his student and attending all his seminars and tele-classes. Dale’s guidance, compassion and mastery are a continued source of inspiration to live a happy healthy and authentic life”

~ Jesse Kriger, Founder & Publisher
Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press

Dale’s seminars have consistently been supportive in my life with telationships and business for 5 years now. And still these telecasts surprise me how much practical value and uplifting content is provided to assist all in mind, body and spirit during such a challenging year for so many. I am grateful to have this tool to get my mindset right. If you are suffering or are one of those holding space for feeling other who are please gift yourself a listen.

Dale’s Tele-Casts are necessity for all of us to keep infusing ourselves, loved ones, and planet with the inspiration and practical tools we genuinely need right now as a humanity to rise through these times. If you want to get real life tools and your spirit uplifted in a concise amount of  time these are for you”

~ Charlyn Joy Fernandez, Nutritionist & Life Coach

Master Teacher and Best-Selling Author, Dale Halaway is an expert in Crisis Counseling. He has made it his mission to assist people in re-centering and in rising above the chaos of the world around us. That’s why he created this ongoing monthly tele-class series – so that no one has to go for long feeling scared, anxious or stuck.

In these tele-cast Dale will be taking the time to give some tools, tips and calming techiques for how to better deal with the energies being activated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you’ve been looking for support and guidance amidst the chaos of the times we are in, you have found it.

If you landed on this page, chances are it was on purpose. Perhaps, it was your sould or higher self that prompred you here. Of, if any of this is ringing true to you.. or if you’ve been sensing there’s something bigger gong on in your life and in and with your humanity, then this Tele-Cast is for you!

Bottom Line: you just don’t want to miss this class. A 3 hour Life-Enriching class of this calue, could easily be priced at $100 or more. We’ve heard this so many times…

We’ve also heard from many before. “I really want to attend, but i’m already scheduled for something else at the time of your Tele-Cast.”

So, for those who really want to attend, we’ve made it super easy for you to do so. The class itself is less than $40, and we’re going to give you free access to the replay for 4 days. That’s it… nice and simple. Super accessible and super affordable!

See ya on the live Tele-Cast